The Top 5 Reasons To Attend A Jewelry Trade Show In 2022 – Smart Age Solutions

The Top 5 Reasons To Attend A Jewelry Trade Show In 2022 

By Emmanuel Raheb
Founder and CEO, Smart Age Solutions 

It’s no secret that attendance at jewelry trade shows has suffered greatly over the past two years. With  many shows canceled or postponed due to the pandemic, the industry was robbed of many benefits they provide.  

Although many aspects of the jewelry business could be done online, there’s still a place for in-person  events and a compelling case to be made why you should return to jewelry trade shows – as an  exhibitor or a jewelry buyer.  

Here are the top five reasons why you should attend a jewelry trade show this year. 

  1. Trade shows create new relationships and help grow past relationships.

Trade shows offer a unique environment, remember everyone who attends the show has chosen to be  there. They have self-selected themselves to be marketed to. This is permission marketing at its finest. People who attend trade shows expect to be pitched!  

Trade shows create one of the most open opportunities to be heard by new business partners. Yes, you  can pitch people online, but it’s too easy to say no and hang-up. It’s not the same as meeting someone  in person.  

Remember, even if the prospect says “no” or doesn’t think that you are the right fit for them, a jewelry  trade show at least gives you the opportunity to create rapport and build a relationship. If now isn’t the  right time, maybe in the future it will be? People also switch companies and situations change. 

Meeting people at trade shows also gives you the opportunity to catch up with old friends and business  partners in a spontaneous and genuine way. One chance encounter can turn into new business –  something that you can’t do online.  

  1. Trade shows help increase your brand awareness.

The most significant benefit of attending a jewelry trade show is that you create a much larger impact.  People see you as you really are. You’re no longer just an email, website, or a little box on a Zoom  call. You’re actually there in front of their eyes and can’t be ignored.

When you attend a jewelry trade show, it means you’re of them. You’re a player in the industry.  People take notice. To make sure that they see you, your exhibition booth should be well-branded with  your logo and company colors. You’ll also want to extend your brand visuals to any collateral material  you hand-out and to how you and your staff are dressed. Wearing branded clothing and providing free  gifts (otherwise known as “swag”) are also great tactics.  

To be effective, consider everything you do at jewelry trade shows as an extension of your company  image. It’s how you’ll be remembered. 

  1. You benefit from everyone who attends the trade show.

Exhibition organizers maintain an extensive database of everyone who attends the jewelry trade show,  which gives you a great opportunity to reach-out even after the show has ended. These lists can often  be purchased at a reasonable cost (with or without additional marketing services).  

Most people who have attended a trade show are very receptive to follow-up marketing, especially  since that was one of the main reasons why they attended the show in the first place. 

Exhibitors often restrict the lists to attendees only or charge a premium if you didn’t attend the show.  It’s one of the advantages of going. You not only gain access to the list, but are also on the list and will  receive offers and proposals many months after the show ends. 

  1. You gain insights about your jewelry competitors when you attend a trade show.

With the pandemic, many people have questioned the value of in-person events because they’ve  skipped them the past two years. Trade shows are one of the greatest ways to learn about your  competitors. 

Whether it’s your 10th or 100th trade show, there’s always something new you can observe about your  competitors. What does their booth look like? What styles or types of jewelry are they promoting? Do they have a large or small staff attending? Where are they located in the exhibition hall? Is their booth  

quiet or busy? What are the people like who visit them? Are there any marketing ideas they’re using  which you can use?  

These are all insights you can only gain in-person. You won’t find this information about your  competitors online. It’s important to always be aware and keep your eyes open. The most observant  person has the most to gain. 

  1. At trade shows you learn new ways to grow your jewelry business.

Jewelry trade shows are always filled with excellent guests. It’s one of the main draws of attending.  Industry trainers and marketing experts are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with you.  

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technologies, learn about new marketing  tactics, or get a free review of your digital business strategy.  

At the end, there’s usually a question and answer session where you can get free advice on any area of  your jewelry business which you may be struggling with. 

To get the most out of attending, be sure to review the speaker schedule and sign-up early to reserve the best sessions, which may “sell out” quickly. You should prioritize which ones you think would be most effective. You’ll also want to take notes from each speaker to remember any actionable information  you can apply back in your jewelry store. Just one great idea could change your entire business. 

Jewelry trade shows are an excellent opportunity to quickly expose your business to thousands of new  prospects in a single setting. Speak to as many people as possible. Perfect your sales pitch. Capture  every lead you can. Follow-up diligently. Make use of every connection you make. This is how you  get the maximum value out of attending. 

With pent-up demand, the prediction is that this year may become the biggest year ever for jewelry  trade show attendance. As ticket sales remain brisk, crowds have already been heavy at some early  shows. People are simply itching to get back to “normal” and attend.  

Remember, there’s no better way to grow your jewelry business than in-person. At the next trade show, stop by. I hope to see you there! 

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